International Eclogite

IEC-10 - Courmayeur/Italy - 2013

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The 10th IEC was held at Courmayeur in the Aosta Valley, Italy and organized by Daniele Castelli from the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Torino. The conference took place between September 2nd and 10th 2013 and was attended by 126 participants from 21 countries.

The Pre-Conference field trip “From passive margins to orogens: the link between Zones of Exhumed Subcontinental Mantle and (U)HP metamorphism” (Septemer 2nd – 3rd) was organized by Marco Beltrando, Roberto Compagnoni, Jaime Barnes, Maria Luce Frezzotti, Daniele Regis, Gianluca Frasca, Marnie Forster and Gordon Lister.

Field leaders of the Syn-Conference field trip “Multi-stage HP metamorphism and assembly of a rifted continental margin” were Daniele Castelli, Roberto Compagnoni, Martin Engi, Daniele Regis, Daniela Rubatto (September 5th).

The Post-Conference field trip “Crust-mantle interactions during subduction of oceanic & continental crust” took place on September 9th and 10th. The first day focused on “The Monviso meta-ophiolite Complex: HP metamorphism of oceanic crust & interactions with ultramafics” (Daniele Castelli, Roberto Compagnoni, Bruno Lombardo, Samuel Angiboust, Gianni Balestro, Simona Ferrando, Chiara Groppo and Franco Rolfo) and the second day on “Metasomatism from & to ultramafics: the UHP continental Brossasco-Isasca Unit” (Daniele Castelli, Roberto Compagnoni, Simona Ferrando, Franco Rolfo and Takao Hirajima).

Report from Elements

Best student talk Best student poster Papers related to 10th IEC are published in the Special Issue "High- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, from microscopic to orogenic scale" in Lithos, Vol 226; guest editors were Daniele Castelli, Gaston Godard, Takao Hirajima and Gordon Medaris.
    D. Castelli, G. Godard, L. Gordon Medaris, Jr. and T. Hirajima, High- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism from microscopic to orogenic scale, Pages 1-3

    T. Kawasaki and Y. Osanai, Experimental evidence of bulk chemistry constraint on SiO2 solubility in clinopyroxene at high-pressure conditions, Pages 4-16

    H. Xu, J. Zhang, K. Zong and L. Liu, Quartz exsolution topotaxy in clinopyroxene from the UHP eclogite of Weihai, China, Pages 17-30

    T.A. Alifirova, L.N. Pokhilenko and A.V. Korsakov, Apatite, SiO2, rutile and orthopyroxene precipitates in minerals of eclogite xenoliths from Yakutian kimberlites, Russia, Pages 31-49

    K. Yoshida, T. Hirajima, S. Ohsawa, T. Kobayashi, T. Mishima and Y. Sengen, Geochemical features and relative B–Li–Cl compositions of deep-origin fluids trapped in high-pressure metamorphic rocks, Pages 50-64

    G. Zhang, Y. Niu, S. Song, L. Zhang, Z. Tian, A.G. Christy and L. Han, Trace element behavior and P–T–t evolution during partial melting of exhumed eclogite in the North Qaidam UHPM belt (NW China): Implications for adakite genesis, Pages 65-80

    L. Gordon Medaris Jr., L. Ackerman, E. Jelínek, Z.D. Michels, V. Erban and J. Kotková, Depletion, cryptic metasomatism, and modal metasomatism (refertilization) of Variscan lithospheric mantle: Evidence from major elements, trace elements, and Sr-Nd-Os isotopes in a Saxothuringian garnet peridotite, Pages 81-97

    R. Orozbaev, T. Hirajima, A. Bakirov, A. Takasu, K. Maki, K. Yoshida, K. Sakiev, A. Bakirov, T. Hirata, M. Tagiri and A. Togonbaeva, Trace element characteristics of clinozoisite pseudomorphs after lawsonite in talc-garnet-chloritoid schists from the Makbal UHP Complex, northern Kyrgyz Tian-Shan, Pages 98-115

    S. Tumiati, G. Godard, S. Martin, N. Malaspina and S. Poli, Ultra-oxidized rocks in subduction mélanges? Decoupling between oxygen fugacity and oxygen availability in a Mn-rich metasomatic environment, Pages 116-130

    H.M. Lang and J.A. Gilotti, Modeling the exhumation path of partially melted ultrahigh-pressure metapelites, North-East Greenland Caledonides, Pages 131-146

    C. Möller, J. Andersson, B. Dyck and I. Antal Lundin, Exhumation of an eclogite terrane as a hot migmatitic nappe, Sveconorwegian orogen, Pages 147-168

    J.-L. Li, R. Klemd, J. Gao, T. Jiang and Y.-H. Song, A common high-pressure metamorphic evolution of interlayered eclogites and metasediments from the ‘ultrahigh-pressure unit’ of the Tianshan metamorphic belt in China, Pages 169-200

    C. Groppo, F. Rolfo, Y.-C. Liu, L.-P. Deng and A.-D. Wang, P-T evolution of elusive UHP eclogites fromthe Luotian dome (North Dabie Zone, China): How far can the thermodynamic modeling lead us?, Pages 183

    Z. Adjerid, G. Godard and K. Ouzegane, High-pressure whiteschists from the Ti-N-Eggoleh area (Central Hoggar, Algeria): A record of Pan-African oceanic subduction, Pages 201-216

    S.A. Doukkari, K. Ouzegane, G. Godard, J.F.A. Diener, J.-R. Kienast, J.-P. Liégeois, A. Arab and A. Drareni, Prograde and retrograde evolution of eclogite from Adrar Izzilatène (Egéré-Aleksod terrane, Hoggar, Algeria) determined from chemical zoning and pseudosections, with geodynamic implications, Pages 217-232

    A. Plunder, P. Agard, C. Chopin, A. Pourteau and A.I. Okay, Accretion, underplating and exhumation along a subduction interface: From subduction initiation to continental subduction (Tavşanlı zone, W. Turkey), Pages 233-254

    J. Kotková and M. Janák, UHP kyanite eclogite associated with garnet peridotite and diamond-bearing granulite, northern Bohemian Massif, Pages 255-264

    H.-J. Massonne, Derivation of P–T paths from high-pressure metagranites - Examples from the Gran Paradiso Massif, western Alps, Pages 265-