Publications 1972 - 1979

/home/kathrin/Webseite/Webseitenquelltexte/huckveroeffentlichungen.html  [1] Andreotti, A.; Huckleberry, A.T.: Pseudoconcave Lie groups,
 Compositio Math. 25 (1972), 109-115
 [2] Huckleberry, A.T.: On local images of holomorphic mappings,
 Ann.Scuola Norm. Pisa, Ser.III 25 (1971), 447-467
 [3] Huckleberry ,A.T.: The weak envelope of holomorphy for algebras of holomorphic functions,
 Pacific J. Math. 47 (1973), 115-128
 [4] Huckleberry, A.T.; Nirenberg,R.: On a class of complex spaces intermediate to Stein and compact,
 Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (1972), 852-853
 [5] Huckleberry, A.T.; Nirenberg,R.: On k-pseudoflat complex spaces,
 Math. Ann. 200 (1973),l 1-10
 [6] Hucklebery, A.T.; Stoll,W.: On the Thickness of the Shilov boundary,
 Math. Ann. 207 (1974), 213-231
 [7] Huckleberry, A.T.: The holomorphic convexity of pseudoconvex complex manifolds,
 Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 30 (1977), 25-29
 [8] Huckleberry, A.T.: Über Funktionenkörper auf komplexen Mannigfaltigkeiten,
 Schr. Math. Inst. Univ. Münster, 2. Serie, Hect 9 (1975), 143
 [9] Huckleberry, A.T.: The Levi problem on pseudoconvex manifolds which are not strongly pseudoconvex,
 Math. Ann. 219 (1976), 127-137
 [10] Huckleberry, A.T.: Holomorphic fibrations of bounded domains,
 Math. Ann. 227 (1977), 61-66
 [11] Gilligan, B.; Huckleberry, A.T.: Remarks on k-Leviflat complex manifolds,
 Can. J. Math., Vol. 31 (1979), 881-889
 [12] Gilligan, B.; Huckleberry, A.T.: Pseudoconcave homogeneous surfaces,
 Comment. Math. Helv. 53 (1978), 429-439
 [13] Gilligan, B.; Huckleberry, A.T.: On non-compact complex nil-manifolds,
 Math. Ann. 238 (1978), 39-49
 [14] Huckleberry, A.T.; Ormsby, E.: Non-existence of proper holomorphic maps between certain complex
 manifolds, Manuscripta Math. 26 (1979), 371-379
 [15] Huckleberry, A.T.; Snow, D.: Pseudoconcave Homogeneous Manifolds,
 Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 7 (1980), 29-54
 [16] Huckleberry, A.T.; Schumacher, G: Holomorphic maps of generalized Iwasawa manifolds,
 Manuscripta Math. 30 (1979), 107-117

Publications 1980 - 1989

/home/kathrin/Webseite/Webseitenquelltexte/huckveroeffentlichungen.html   [17] Huckleberry, A.T.; Oeljeklaus, E.: A Characterization of Complex Homogeneous Cones,
 Math. Z. 170 (1980), 181-194
 [18] Huckleberry, A.T.; Livorni, E.L.: A classification of homogeneous surfaces,
 Can. J. Math. 33 (1981), 1097-1110
 [19] Huckleberry, A.T.; Snow, D.: A Classification of Strictly Pseudoconcave Homogeneous Manifolds,
 Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 8 (1981), 231-255
 [20] Gilligan, B.; Huckleberry, A.T.: Complex homogeneous manifolds with two ends,
 Mich. J. Math. 28 (1981), 183-198
 [21] Huckleberry, A.T.; Oeljeklaus, E.: Sur les espaces analytiques complexes presque homogènes,
 C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 290 (1980), 447-448
 [22] Huckleberry, A.T.; Snow, D.: Almost-homogeneous Kähler manifolds with hypersurface orbits,
 Osaka J. Math. 19 (1982), 763-786
 [23] Huckleberry, A.T.; Oeljeklaus, E.: Classification Theorems for Almost Homogeneous Spaces,
 Publication de l'Institut Elie Cartan, Nancy, Janvier 1984, 9.
 [24] Huckleberry, A.T.; Margulis, G.A.: Invariant analytic hypersurfaces,
 Invent. Math. 71, (1983) 235-240
 [25] Azad, H.; Huckleberry, A.T.; Richthofer, W.: Homogeneous CR-manifolds,
 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathemati, Crelles Journal, Bd. 358 (1985), 125-154
 [26] Huckleberry, A.T.: Analytic hypersurfaces in homogeneous spaces,
 Publication Institut Elie Cartan, Journes Complexes Nancy 82 (1983), 134-153
 [27] Huckleberry, A.T.; Oeljeklaus, E.: Complex Analysis on Solvmanifolds,
 Institut Elie Cartan 10 (1986), Journees Complexes 1986, 126-132
 [28] Huckleberry, A.T.; Oeljeklaus, E.: On holomorphically separable complex solvmanifolds,
 Annales des l'Institut Fourier (Grenoble), Tome XXXVI - Fascicule 3 (1986), 57-65
 [29] Huckleberry, A.T.; Richthofer, R.: Recent development in homogeneous CR-hypersurfaces, Contributions
 to several complex variables, Aspects of Math. E9, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 149-177 (1986)

Publications 1990 - 1999

/home/kathrin/Webseite/Webseitenquelltexte/huckveroeffentlichungen.html  [30] Huckleberry, A.T.; Sauer, M.: Automorphism groups of surfaces of general type,
 Math. Z. 205, (1990) 321-329
 [31] Huckleberry, A.Z.; Wurzbacher, T.: Multiplicity-free complex manifolds,
 Math. Ann. 286, (1990) 261--280
 [32] Fels,G.; Huckleberry,A.T.: A characterization of K-invariant Stein domains in symmetric embeddings.
 In: Complex Analysis, Plenum Press, (1993) 223-234
 [33] Huckleberry, A.T.: Homogeneous pseudo-kählerian manifolds: A hamiltionian viewpoint.
 Note di Matematica Vol.X (dedicated to Köthe), (1993) 337-342
 [34] Huckleberry, A.T.; Winkelmann, J.: Compact subvarieties in parallelisable complex manifolds.
 Math. Ann. 295, (1993) 469-483
 [35] Huckleberry, A.T.: Subvarieties of homogeneous and almost homogeneous manifolds,
 In: Contributions to complex analysis and analytic geometry (dedicated to Dolbeault), Viehweg-Verlag,(1994)
 [36] Heinzner, P.; Huckleberry, A.T.: Invariant plurisubharmonic exhaustions and retractions.
 manuscripta math. 83, (1994) 19-29
 [37] Heinzner, P.; Huckleberry, A.T.; Loose, F.: Kählerian extensions of the symplectic reduction.
 J. reine u. angew. Math., 455(1994)123-140
 [38] Heinzner, P., Huckleberry, A.T., Kutzschebauch, F.: A real analytic version of Abels' Theorem and
 complexifications of proper Lie group actions.
 In: Complex Analysis and Geometry, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Decker (1995)
 [39] Huckleberry, A.T. and Zaitsev, D.: Linearizations of groups of birationally extendible automorphisms.
 In: Geometric Complex Analysis, ed. J. Noguchi et al., World Scientific (1996) 261-285
 [40] Heinzner, P. and Huckleberry, A.T.: Kählerian potentials and convexity properties of the moment map,
 Invent. math. 126 (1996) 65-84
 [41] Haake, F., Huckleberry, A.T., Kus, M., Zaitsev, D.: Level dynamics for conservative and dissipative
 quantum systems. J.Phys.A: Math. gen.(1997) 30,no.24,8635-8651

Publications 2000 - present

 [42] Huckleberry, A.T., Kebekus, S., Peternell, T.: Group Actionson S6 and Complex Structures on P3
 Duke Math.J.102,no.1(2000) 101-124

 [43] Heinzner, P. and Huckleberry, A.T.: Kählerian structures on symplectic reductions,
 Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry (A Volume in Memory of Michael Schneider), ed. T.Peternell and
 F-O.Schreyer, de Gruyter Verlag (2000) 226-253
 [44] Heinzner, P. and Huckleberry, A.T.: Analytic Hilbert Quotients, Several Complex Variables,
 Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ. 37, Cambridge University Press (1999) 309-349
 [45] Haake, F., Huckleberry, A.T., Kus, M., Zaitsev, D.: A symplectic context for level dynamics,
 J. Geom. Phys. 37, no.1-2 (2001) 156-168
 [46] Huckleberry, A.T. and Wolf, J.A.: Flag duality,
 Ann. of Global Anal. and Geometry 18 (2000) 331-340
 [47] Huckleberry, A.T. and Völler, M.: A CR-Momentum Ansatz for nilpotent groups,
 Contemporary Mathematics 288 (2001) 90-109
 [48] Huckleberry, A.T. and Simon, A. with appendix by Barlet, D.: On cycle spaces of flag domains of SLn(R),
 J. reine u. angew. Math. 541 (2001) 171-208
 [49] Huckleberry, A.T.: On certain domains in cycle spaces of flag manifolds,
 Math. Ann. 323 (2002) 797-810
 [50] Huckleberry, A.T. and Wolf, J.A.: Cycle spaces of real forms of SLn(C),
 Complex Geometry: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Hans Grauert, Springer-Verlag (2002) 111-133
 [51] Huckleberry, A.T. and Wolf, J.A.: Schubert varieties and cycle spaces
 Duke J. Math. 120 (2003) 220-249 (math. AG/0204033)

[52] Fels, G. and Huckleberry, A.T.: Characterization of cycle domains via Kobayashi hyperbolicity, Bull. Soc.
 Math. de France 133 (2005) 121-144 (math. AG/0204341)

[53] Huckleberry, A.T. and Ntatin, B.: Cycle spaces of G-orbits in G-C-flag manifolds, Manuscripta Math.
 112 (2003) 443-440 (math. RT/0212327)

[54] Huckleberry, A. and Wolf, J.A.: Injectivity of the Double Fibration Transform for Cycle Spaces of Flag
 Domains, Journal of Lie Theory, 12 (2004) 509-522 (math. RT/0308285)

[55] Heinzner, P., Huckleberry, A.T. and Zirnbauer, M.: Symmetry classes of disordered fermions, Comm. Math.
 Phys. 257 (2005) 725-771 (math. ph/0411040)

[56] Fels, G., Huckleberry, A.T. and Wolf, J.A.: Cycles Spaces of Flag Domains: A Complex Geometric
 Viewpoint, Progress in Mathematics 245 Birkhäuser Boston(2005) (Link zu

[57] Hong, J. and Huckleberry, A.T.: On closures of cycle spaces of flag domains, Manuscripta Math.
  121 (2006) 317-327
[58] Hong, J. and Huckleberry, A.T.: On boundaries of cycle spaces associated to flag varieties (Preprint 2006, 26 pages)
[59] Hong, J. and Huckleberry, A.T.: AN-coordinates and bounded domain realizations of cycle spaces associated to flag varieties
  (Preprint 2007, 12 pages)
[60] Gilligan, B. and Huckleberry, A.T.: Fibrations and globalizations of homogeneous CR-manifolds, Isvestiya Mathematics, 73:2 (2009) 501-553 (math/0702734)
[61] Huckleberry, A.T., Kus, M. and Schützdeller, P.: Level dynamics and the ten-fold way, Journal of Geometry and Physics 58 (2008) 1231-1240 (math-ph/0702085)
[62] Frantzen, K., Huckleberry, A.: K3-surfaces with special symmetry: An example of classification by Mori-reduction,In: Complex Geometry in Osaka,
  Editors: Goto, Honda, Ishida, Namikawa, Yoshikawa, Lecture Note Series in Mathematics 9 (2008) 86-99 (arXiv:0802.2481)
[63] Huckleberry, A., Isaev, A.: Infinite-dimensionality of the automorphism groups of homogeneous Stein manifolds, Math. Ann., 344 (2009) 279-291 (arXiv:0806.0693)
[64]Huckleberry, A. and Wolf, J. A.: Cycle space constructions for exhaustions of flag domains, Ann. Scuola Norm. Pisa 93 (2010) (arXiv:0807.2062)
[65] Huckleberry, A. and Isaev, A.: Classical symmetries of complex manifolds, J. of Geometric Analysis 20 (1) (2010) 132-152 (arXiv:0901.4280)
[66] Huckleberry, A.: Remarks on homogeneous manifolds satisfying Levi-conditions, Bollettino U.M.I. (9) III (2010) 1-23 (arXiv:1003:5971)
[67] Huckleberry, A.: Hyperbolicity of cycle spaces and automorphism groups of flag domains, American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 136, Nr. 2 (2013) 291-310, (arXiv:1003:5974)
[68] A. Sawicki, A. Huckleberry and M. Kus: Symplectic Geometry of Entanglement , Commun. Math. Phys. 305 , 441-468 (2011), (arXiv: 1007.1844)
[69] Alex, A., Huckleberry, A., Kalus, M. and von Delft, J.: A numerical algorithm for the explicit calculation of SU(N) and SL(N,C) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, 35 pages, J. Math. Physics 52 (2011), (arXiv:1009.0437)
[70] Huckleberry, A. and Sebert, H. with Appendix by Barlet, D.: Asymptotics of eigensections on toric varieties, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, vol. 62 (2012) (arXiv: 1010:3681)
[71] Huckleberry, A. and Schaffert, K.: A method for constructing random matrix models of disordered bosons, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011), 335207 (arXiv: 1012.3791)
[72] Huckleberry, A. and Kalus, M.: Radial Operators on Lie Supergroups and Characters of Representations, J. Lie Theory 24 (2014), no. 4, 1033-1046 (arXiv: 1012.5233)
[73] Huckleberry, A. and Isaev, A.: On the Kobayashi hyperbolicity of certain tube domains, Proceedings of the AMS, Vol. 141, No. 9, September 2013, Pages 3141–3146 (S 0002-9939(2013)11620-5) (arXiv: 1111.3388v1)
[74] Huckleberry, A., Kús, M. and Sawicki, A.: Bipartite entanglement, spherical actions and geometry of local unitary orbits, J. Math. Phys. 54, 022202 (2013) Link to Journal (19 pages)
[75] Huckleberry, A.: Cycle connectivity and automorphism groups of flag domains, In: Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory, Geometric and Analytic Methods, Series: Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 37, VIII, Springer Verlag (2014) (arXiv: 1403.4993)
[76] A. Huckleberry, A. Püttmann and M. R. Zirnbauer: Haar expectations of ratios of random characteristic polynomials, Complex Analysis and its Synergies (CASY), Springer Verlag Open Access, January (2016) (revised ArXiv version: arXiv 0709:1215)
[77] Hong, J., Huckleberry, A. and Seo, A.: Normal bundles of cycles in flag manifolds, Sao Paolo J. of Math. Sci., 12 171 (2018)
[78] Hayama, T., Huckleberry, A. and Latif, Q.: Pseudoconcavity of flag domains: The method of supporting cycles, Math. Ann. 375 671-685 (2019)

Expository articles

/home/kathrin/Webseite/Webseitenquelltexte/huckveroeffentlichungen.html   [1] Huckleberry, A.T.; Oeljeklaus,E.: Homogeneous Spaces from a Complex Analytic Viewpoint.
  In: Manifolds and Lie Groups, Birkhäuser, Boston-Basel-Stuttgart (1981), (Progress in Math., 14), 159-186
 [2] Huckleberry, A.T.: The classification of homogeneous surfaces,
 Expositiones mathematicae 4 (1986), 289-334
 [3] Huckleberry, A.T.: Actions of groups of holomorphic transformations, In Several Complex Variables
 VI, Encyclopedia of Math. Sci. v.69, Springer-Verlag (1991) 143-196
 [4] Heinzner, P. and Huckleberry, A.T.:Complex geometry of Hamiltonian actions.
 (In preparation)
 [5] Huckleberry, A.T. and Wurzbacher, T.,Editors: Infinite Dimensional Kähler Manifolds,
 DMV Seminar, Band 31, Birkhäuser Basel (2001)

 [6] Huckleberry, A.T.: On selected works of Hellmuth Kneser in complex analysis,
 In: Collected works of Hellmuth Kneser, DeGruyter, 2006

 [7] Huckleberry, A.T.: Actions on flag manifolds: related cycle spaces,
 In: Global aspects of complex geometry, Ed. Catanese et al, Springer, 2006

 [8] Huckleberry, A. and Peternell, T.: Several complex variables: basic geometric theory,
 In: Elsevier Encyclopedia of mathematical physics, 2006

 [9] Huckleberry, A. and Peternell, T.: Several complex variables: complex manifolds,
 In: Elsevier Encyclopedia of mathematical physics, 2006

 [10] Huckleberry, A.: Hans Grauert: Mathematician Pur, Mitteilungen der DMV,
 Band 16, Heft 2, 2008

 [11] Huckleberry, A: Hans Grauert: Mathematician Pur, AMS-Notices, January 2009

 [12] Huckleberry, A.: Karl Stein (1913-2000), Jahresbericht der DMV (2008)

 [13] Huckleberry, A.: Actions of complex Lie groups and the Borel-Weil correspondence,
 In: Symmetries in Complex Analysis, Contemporary Mathematics, 468, AMS (2008) 99-123
[14] Frantzen, K., Huckleberry, A.: Finite symmetry groups in complex geometry, Revue de l'Institut Elie Cartan 19, 2009, Nancy, (arXiv:0901.2442)
[15] Huckleberry, A: Hans Grauert (1930-2011), Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Volume 115, Issue 1 (2013), Page 21-45 (arXiv:1303.6933)
[16] Huckleberry, A. and Peternell, T. (editors): A Tribute to Hans Grauert, Contributions from Yum-Tong Siu, Takeo Ohsawa, Jean-Pierre Demailly, Daniel Barlet, Günther Trautmann and Ingo Lieb, Notices of the AMS, Vol. 61, Number 5 (2014) 472-483
[17] A. Huckleberry, I. Penkov and G. Zuckermann (editors), Lie Groups: Structure, Actions and Representations, Progress Reports in Mathematics, Birkhäuser Verlag (2013)